Be aware! Scammers are texting, mimicking Bank of PdS, and want you to click and give personal information. Ignore and keep your info safe!

Security Tips

Cybersecurity Tips

No matter where you are or what device you are using, it is important to keep your information and devices secure. Use these tips to protect yourself at home and on the go.

Keep an Up-to-Date Browser

Internet Explorer will stop being supported within the next year. Be proactive and make the switch to Firefox, Chrome or Edge on your PC to ensure you have the latest security updates available.

Use Secure Wi-Fi

Don't shop on unsecured Wi-Fi in public places like coffee shops and airports. Remember, thieves can eavesdrop.

Protect Your Home Wi-Fi

Secure your home wi-fi system with a strong password. Smart devices such as wireless printers, door locks, and thermostats are vulnerable when on an unsecured network.

Update Your Anti-Virus Protection

Make sure you keep your anti-virus software up-to-date. Don't let your subscription lapse because security threats are constantly changing.

Use Approved Apps

Only download apps from the Google Play Store or App Store. These app stores filter out most unsafe apps. Apps that are downloaded from other sources may have malware.

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