Online Banking Update

An Additional Level of Security

Bank of Prairie du Sac is always looking for ways to increase security, so in the next few weeks we will be turning security alerts on for all our online banking user accounts.  Security alerts are emails and texts that notify you when certain events happen in online banking such as:

  • a transfer between accounts,
  • an email address change, or
  • a bill payment occurs. 

These events, when unexpected, are signs that an online bank account may have been compromised.  Although these alerts are available now, in our busy lives, many of us do not find the time to set and configure this simple safety measure.

More Text Alerts to Keep You Safe

Turning online banking alerts on will require no effort on your part, but you can make adjustments to these alert settings to make them the most effective for how you use online banking.

  1. Alerts will be sent via an SMS text. If you would also like an email, those can be setup in online banking alerts. (For a "How to" video, click here.)
  2. By default, you will be notified of internal transfers above $100.00.  You can adjust this dollar amount in online banking alerts as well.
  3. Emails will be sent for all Bill Payments and External Transfers (person to person, and account to account payments) over $100.  This dollar amount can be changed in Bill Pay preferences.

We hope you’ll agree that these alerts will provide you a better view into your online banking and help to make it more secure.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact customer service at Bank of Prairie du Sac.

graphic with hand holding cell phone and words stating An Additional Level of Security, More Text Alerts to Keep You Safe Bank of Prairie du Sac

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